Prometheus: a Spoiler-free Mini-review

Like a lot of Sifters - I'm a big speculative fiction fan - (I must be if I think that's what SF stands for). We've all been worked up to a lather by the many teasers and trailers. This is the great Ridley Scott. Although both Alien and Blade Runner are very different movies, they sit very high in the pantheon of SF masterpieces. One thing that both of these classic films have in common is that they are small movies. They focus on a few people in a particular setting - an apocalyptic noir L.A. and a creeping space hulk, respectively. By keeping it small, Scott focused on the characters and the story. The SF setting was just the backdrop to support this.

Prometheus is not like that. There is a lot happening on a broad canvas. Like so much science fiction coming out of Hollywood these days - the science fiction setting is the main character- and the human beings are just along for the thrill-ride. Great special effects, huge, save the whole world kinds of stuff, lots of those see-through LCD monitors that are all the rage - but little time for character development or story. How about a damn Vangelis soundtrack and some long moody tracking shots that lets us soak it in, Ridley? Sigh. In a lot of ways this felt more like a film directed by James Cameron.

It wasn't awful - and maybe my expectation was too high. The andriod character was memorable and the acting was good - what little of it we got to experience. Should you go see it? It's a Ridley Scott science fiction movie, of course you should. Does Prometheus deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as Alien and Blade Runner? Nope.

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